How important is the Right to Privacy?

Ankita Pathak
3 min readFeb 1, 2022

In today’s technology era where social media is a look-book into each other’s lives, privacy is a concern which bothers many of us.

Everytime you meet a person whether it is for a meeting, for a job, or even for marriage, the first thing we do after we go back home is: search them online. More often than not we find everything about the person through their social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln etc. It opens up not just their personal, but also their professional journey and life.

Well, have you ever thought, that when you as a simple person ca know so much about someone, how much can a trained hacker know about you. This is a though that has been bothering me from quite some time now.

How privacy is being breached?

Everytime you post something on Facebook, a friend tags you on a photo, you put up a story online, everyone around you is getting to know you a little better.

Even while using the maps on our phone, your GPS location can help someone locate your exact address and exploit you.

Your privacy is not just breached when you post something, but also when your cousin or a neighbour is putting up live videos about you and your family.

Why would someone want to know about me?

We sometimes thing too low of ourselves, and wonder why would someone want to knwo about me. Well, this is not true.

Do you see various ads running on Facebook, Google, Instagram?

Well, these ads are shown to you by collecting your data and providing the same to marketing companies to target their brands towards you.

So, though you might think that you are not of much help to anyone, companies are making a fortune off your data.

What you can do?

a. Be cautious of the digital footprint you leave. Keep an eye on what you post on social media and on your website.
b. Untrusted devices (USB drives, keyboards, etc.) should not be plugged into your computer.
c. Be wary of free offers, especially if they seem too good to be true. If something seems too good to be true, it most likely is.
d. Even if you safeguard your messages and conversations, be cautious of what metadata can disclose.
e. Consider the privacy implications of a smart gadget before purchasing or installing it. What could be done with the device if it were to be used against you? How could the device’s information be used against you?
f. Take charge of your own digital safety and privacy. You’re taking action by reading the Defending Digital blog (or listening to the podcast).

Power of Privacy: A documentary

If you want to know how strong a concern privacy is today, watch the documentary Power of Privacy, by Guardian.

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.



Ankita Pathak

My passion for writing has taken me to different places, but now I have decided to settle with Medium, where I can share and communicate with the world.