What I learnt when I turned 30

Ankita Pathak
4 min readJan 1, 2023

I turned 30 last year, and while it’s not something that I would have chosen, it was an amazing experience. I learned so much about myself, my relationships and just how much of life is made up of little choices and decisions.

Here are some of the things that stood out to me during this time:

Be direct about what you want in life.

It’s easy to be direct with your goals.

  • Be direct about what you want in life. It’s not enough to say “I’m going to find a job.” You have to say, “I want an accounting position,” for example.
  • Don’t be afraid to say no if someone asks for something you don’t want or can’t do (for example: “I can’t babysit tonight because I’m running late”). If someone asks for something that sounds too big of a commitment — like taking care of their kids full-time while they go back into work — that would require more than one person could handle at once and should probably be avoided unless it’s part of their long-term plan (more on this later).
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help! Sometimes when people are asking us why we can’t do what they think is so easy, our response might seem like nonsense/rhetoric but trust us when we say that sometimes it helps other people understand what makes sense and makes them feel better about themselves by reminding them they aren’t alone in thinking certain things may not always make sense but still need doing anyway; just because someone else doesn’t understand doesn’t mean there isn’t anything worth exploring further.”

Your energy is a finite resource and must be spent wisely.

When you’re 30 and older, it’s easy to feel like time is running out. You’re not as young as you used to be, and adulting can be hard.

But there are things that can help keep your energy levels high:

  • Make sure that every day is filled with something fun and positive. Do something new every day or try something different than what you normally do! Don’t settle for making the same choices over and over again because they make sense at the time but will eventually wear off on your moods later on down the line (and maybe even make things worse).
  • Take breaks from work during lunchtime if possible so that people around don’t get bored waiting for their food orders after sitting in silence for hours without talking about anything interesting — just kidding! I wouldn’t recommend working all day long anyway since it might lead onto burnout issues later on down the line; instead go outside once per week where sunlight exposure helps boost serotonin production which increases moods overall too!”

A lot of people don’t know what they’re doing.

In my twenties, I thought that people were a lot more aware of what they were doing. They would always say something like: “I’m going to do x,” or “I’ll do y,” and then they’d go out and do it. But as we get older, we start to realize that actually a lot of people don’t know what they’re doing!

They might think they’re doing well by themselves but then something goes wrong in their life and suddenly everything starts falling down around them.

So now when someone says “I’m going to do x,” I ask them if they’ve thought about how their actions will affect others before making them happen (because sometimes it’s not just yourself who benefits from whatever you decide).

You can motivate yourself without being mean to yourself.

When you’re young, you can’t ask for help. You have to do everything on your own and be the best at everything. But as you get older, that’s not true anymore. You have more experience and knowledge than before. Plus, now that we live in a world where everyone is connected all over the world via social media and other technologies like Skype or FaceTime etc., it’s easier than ever before to reach out if there are problems or issues!

It may seem scary at first but don’t worry too much about asking people for help because they’re not going to say no if they know how much effort (and time) has gone into something they’ve worked hard towards achieving themselves!

I hope this post has helped you to see the world in a different light. If you’re feeling lost or unsure on your path, remember that there is always someone who will help guide you.




Ankita Pathak

My passion for writing has taken me to different places, but now I have decided to settle with Medium, where I can share and communicate with the world.